
【504】「頭の片隅においておく。 I’ll keep it at the back of my mind.」

投稿日:2020年10月18日 更新日:




I’ll keep it at the back of my mind.




------ At work------

A : Do you have any thoughts on this matter?

B :  I can’t think of any off the top of my head. I've never even thought of that before but will keep it at the back of my mind.

A : Let me know if you come up with an idea. 



〜 Tea Break 〜




「I can’t think of any off the top of my head.」




たとえば、「I can’t think of any off the top of my head.」(パッと思い浮かばない。)って返答した後に、でも「頭の片隅においておくね。」、「忘れないでちょっと考えておくよ。」って付け足したしたいときに今日のフレーズが使えます。


I’ll keep it at the back of my mind.


ポイントは、「in the back of one’s mind.」です。


「at/in the back of one’s mind」: 頭(心)の奥で、内心では、頭(心)の片隅に、心のどこかで、




If something is at/in the back of your mind, you intend to do it, but are not actively thinking about it
(何かが at/in the back of you mind の場合、それをするつもりだけど、積極的・能動的に考えている訳ではない状態のこと。)

参照:Cambridge Dictionary


If a thought, etc. is at the back of your mind, you are aware of it but it is not what you are mainly thinking about
(考えなどが at the back of your mind な場合、認識はしているけど、それは主に考えていることではない。)

参照:Oxford learners dictionaries




He is upset at the back of his mind.


Something in the back of my mind just didn’t feel right.


I will keep that thought at the back of my mind.


It’s been at the back of my mind to phone Mark for several day now, but I haven’t got round to it yet.


I’m good at keeping things in the back of my mind; but I have forgotten a few times, so I write things down anyway.









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