This came in handy.
------ At work ------
A : How did the meeting go?
B : It went well. This document came in handy. Thanks!
A : My pleasure.
〜 Tea Break 〜
ネイティブは「come in handy」も使います。
「This came in handy.」
「come in handy」【イディオム】: 役に立つ。重宝する。便利だ。助けになる。
to be useful
参照:Cambridge Dictionary
「useful」と「come in handy」の違いは、
「come in handy」の方がカジュアルな表現です。
「come in handy」の例文はこんな感じです。
Don't throw that away. It might come in handy.
Thanks! It'll come in handy.
This money will come in handy when we go on vacation.
It was a lot colder out than I thought it would be, so your jacket really came in handy!
That flashlight comes in handy when I'm trying to find something in my car at night.
I think that this gadget will come in handy in the kitchen.
I knew this item would come in handy
〇〇 come(s) in handy.
なお、「come in handy」は
This is really handy.
Online payment system is handy.
I found it handy to have a mobile phone.